Recently, I was in GREAT need of an EXCITING VISUAL for teaching an upcoming lesson on the Twelve SONS of JACOB.
Although I have several style of visuals for the Sons of Jacob, I wanted something that would GRAB the KIDDOS attention and that they would find EXCITING to look at and touch.
So, WHAT was I to do???
I began looking around my classroom and noticed I have a BUNCH of these Puff Containers. Several of our young mommies have donated these to me and I knew I would put them to use, ONE DAY!!

So, I gathered my COLORED SHARPIES and began making a set of Jacob's 12 Sons. I peeled the wrappers off the containers and began drawing faces, hair, then robes and sandals. I wanted them to have a veil of some, I grabbed some scrap material and yarn. I shaped the material scraps over the top of the containers and tied them on with yarn.
I think they turned out cute. My KIDDOS LOVED THEM. They were great for using while telling the story and we used them to REVIEW the SONS names, mother, birth order, and importance in history.
The cards in front of each of the sons list their NAME, MOTHER AND BIRTH ORDER. There is a picture on the other side that has their name.

The Pictures are random "bible men" clipart pictures from I just printed and cut out the men to represent the sons.
The pictures and information helped the KIDDOS know more about each son....the cards also, make reviewing the sons of Jacob a type of match game.
The Review Games were challenging and yet fun. It amazes me HOW fast KIDDOS can memorize and recall information.
When teaching about the 12 sons of Jacob, I do a LOT of focusing on JUDAH, LEVI and JOSEPH. We talk about Jesus coming through Judah. Levi being the priestly tribe and Joseph saving his family. I LOVE seeing the KIDDOS understanding expand and broaden as we keep on EXPLORING BIBLE HISTORY!!!
By the way....REMEMBER, before you toss it in the trash can ask yourself, "COULD I USE THIS TO TEACH A BIBLE STORY?"
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